It's late. I'm exhausted. so I'll make this quick.
I can confidently say that this was the happiest thanksgiving I've ever had in my life. I spent the whole day embracing my family with all of my heart-- thanking them and enjoying their company. We went to a Sauna/Spa thing together, ate together, and took pictures throughout the entire day. We ended the night talking about the ways in which God has blessed us and how thankful we were for all that He's done in our lives this year. I got the chance to hear my parent's testimonies and that in itself was so heart-warming. I really do feel so thankful and (sorry, but) I feel like the luckiest girl in the world today.
Thank God that I'm not where I was exactly a year ago. it's only by His grace and the work of His hands that I've come this far and I only want to go farther..
I want to get in the habit of being thankful everyday, not just on thanksgiving. but just for the sake of the holiday, i'll name a few before I go to bed:
I'm thankful for my fickle health situation,
because that means my immune system is working.
I'm thankful for how horrible my piano playing sounds,
because that means I can hear.
I'm thankful for my family's financial problems,
because it's helped my family to learn how short-lived earthly treasures are.
I'm thankful for the 18 biology lectures I have yet to go over,
because it will teach me to do all things diligently and joyfully.
I'm thankful for my newly renewed relationship with my sisters,
because it will help me bring them to Christ.
I'm thankful for difficult people,
for God teaches me humility and patience through them.
I'm thankful for people who I envy and have trouble loving,
for God teaches me what it is to be unconditional.
I'm thankful for people who take advantage of my push-overness,
because it teaches me to serve wholeheartedly.
I'm thankful for hard-heartedness,
because it helps me to realize how hard God's grace had to push to get to me.
I'm thankful for utter loneliness,
because it helps me to treasure Christ.
I'm thankful for physical weaknesses,
because it challenges me to sustain my joy in Him alone.
I'm thankful for my unsaved family members in Australia,
because God is challenging me to abandon my fear and pursue evangelism.
I'm thankful for fruit and ice cubes,
because they are wonderfully refreshing.
I'm thankful for home,
because it brings me comfort and a heat-padded bed.
and I'm thankful for you, because I know this was long.
Happy thanksgiving, whoever reads this.
Let's love God more.
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