Thanksgiving break is going to be such a sweet get-away for me. I feel so behind in school and life in general and it'd be a nice time to just go somewhere comfortable and get away for a while. I'm going to be spending a majority of my time with my family which will be absolutely wonderful :o) I'm so excited
Anyways- one thing i've gained from being sick for these past few days is.. I've learn just how easily I become affected by my physical weaknesses. Sometimes it's nice being sick.. feeling like you have an excuse to not be productive, or not over-work. I usually have this guilty conscience so if I feel like I've wasted any time throughout the span of any day I feel absolutely horrible. I've been doing pretty okay- I wrote an essay last night even in my miserably sick state and this morning I woke up at 7:30 am to do an assignment for my bio class. However, going to work today was a bit hard. I think I went to the restroom every 20-25 minutes and it was not that much fun :o( but here are a few annoying things that I had to "deal with" while I was at work today.
Crybaby #1: Exact-Temperature girl
Crybaby #2: There-is-not-enough-ice-in-here girl
so this girl orders a Venti Shaken iced Passion Tea lemonade sweetened with 7 pumps of Classic and 4 pumps classic (talk about specific.....) and She asked for EZ Ice (Easy ice..for all of you who were confused by my intricate starbucks Slang haha). So I made her her drink and it was super busy so I tried to make it as "EZ" as I could. So I give her the drink and she comes back a few minutes later and asks me to put a little bit more ice for her cuz she said it wasnt cold enough for her entire cup of tea..So i told her to just tell me when to stop putting ice into her cup and so I was popping it in piece by piece with my large ice scooper and I swear she stops me after 2 cubes of ice.................................................I just looked at her and wanted to ask her if she was serious but I just capped it and gave her the drink back... (is it just me or are people way too needy these days?!?! )
Crybaby #3: Mr. I-didnt get-my-coffee-can-I-see-Your-manager-oh-here-it-is-nevermind!
I seriously thought he was going to punch all of us in the face. And he just walked away...smiling.
Crybaby #4: Picky-and-Tricky-Mocha-girl
So this girl ordered a Mocha Frappe, and by default we do 1 pump of syrup for Grande sizes. But this girl told me that she wanted a Mocha Frappe with just enough mocha to taste it but not too much.....what does that even mean...............she said she wanted it so she could taste the mocha in there but not enough for it to be an actual mocha frappacino. So I literally had to take my hand, and slap the lever of the mocha syrup so that just a splash of mocha would get into the frapaccino mix. I honestly stressed out about it for a good three minutes because I was so confused and I asked her how it was after she took a sip of it and she just shrugged her shoulders and left....I'm going to name my gray hairs after her. Her name was Sarah
Crybaby #5: Confused-Soy-and-Whip-Cream girl
Crybaby #6: My-muffin-is-cracked-can-I-get-a-Refund boy
This one was my favorite. So this guy ordered a blueberry muffin today and so I handed it to Him with a smile and a bubbly "Thank you, Have a great day!" and he comes back a few minutes later and says that his muffin was cracked. I look at it and it was like a good split in the middle and I for sure wouldnt have given it to him if the muffin was in this broken-but-still-edibly-delicious-state. I looked at it and I looked up at him and asked, "so you dont want it anymore" and he said "No I want a refund"............... and as you guys can see, this was completely understandable because the crack in his muffin had automatically caused the muffin to taste completely different and become entirely less enjoyable to eat.............and so we had to go through this long process to get his exact money back for the muffin that he had already paid for. We had to calculate it on an actual calculator to make sure that he got the exact amount back including the percentage of tax that was included.
To be completely honest, these people didnt really bother me that much. But I often found myself frustrated and in utter disbelief from the kinds of requests they made. I reacted badly in my heart because of the current physical condition I was in-- which to this very moment does not stand as a legitatmate excuse. I found today just how weak I am in my flesh. No matter how hard I try to be strong in my heart and character for His sake, I fail miserably due to the weaknesses of my flesh. But then I realize (yet again) that I would never have been able to have stood as a good representative on my own in the first place--- but tomorrow's a new day so let's try again!
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