I have been way tooo tired to study these days, what is wrong with me?!
I've seriously been choosing sleep over EVERYTHING these days.. and I'm really fighting with myself to not sleep cuz I should really be studying..
I wonder if I would feel smarter and more excited to study if I had glasses:
and a mole
or maybe librarian glasses, a mole and mustache...
I am such a sleepy weaksauce.. haha
Beautiful Jesus
How may I bless Your heart?
Knees to the earth I bow down to everything You are
Give thanks-- a fun and exhausting day of work, holding hands, home-cooked korean food, paying attention in class, prayerful fellowship, my lovely T, the righteousness of Christ, and the unshakeable hope, joy and confidence I can have because of it
HAHA. all three should do it.