Jun 7, 2009

A letter

As I was cleaning things out of my computer, I found a letter that was written last year and I'm surprised as how uplifted I felt afterwards.


Dear Sharon,
Good morning! Today is a new day. You might have made a few mistakes yesterday, and a few things may not have gone according to plan, but God has given you a new chance to start again.. so don’t waste it! Here’s a few reminders for today..

Today you may possibly go to class. I know that it can be tiring and rigorous, but hold on. No matter how insignificant the material may seem, the more you focus and the harder you work on it—the better nurse you will become. God is using this class, the things you learn and the studying habits that you develop to further equip you to be the best and most hard-working nurse you can ever be! Go to class, Listen with attentive ears and an eager mind! God calls you to be a student, so be the best one! – for His Glory and Honor alone! When people see you, they’re going to get so encouraged by how joyfully and diligently you work! Smile as you learn, Rejoice as you study. You can do it!

Today you may possibly go to work. Don’t forget that as you are working—you are not only serving customers, or your fellow coworkers/employers—but you are serving God. Some people may ask you to do things that you might not want to do, or things that have been unfairly assigned to you.. but do it joyfully and willingly. Be humble. Don’t let your pride cloud your attitude and harden your heart. You are there to serve. Whatever they ask, do it better than they could have possibly asked you to do it. If possible, do any extra work that will make it easier for the people around you. Serve your customers joyfully, cheerfully and with a loving heart. Brighten their day with your words of encouragement and greeting. Make them smile. Don’t let the workload wear you down. Work hard, and serve faithfully.. for this seriously glorifies God. Work so that His light will shine upon You and that they will know that there is something indeed different about you. You can do it, I know you can.

Today you may possibly have to study. Whether it’s for an exam, for review or just for the sake of not falling behind—do it diligently. Ask God for the strength and diligence to perservere when it gets tiring. Don’t let studying become something dreadful. Do it with a happy spirit, with a positive attitude and with an excited and eager mind. If you’re going to study—study with all your strength and might so that God will see your faithfulness. Study hard now so that you will develop skills that will help you to focus and quickly learn things that you will have to in the near future as you prepare to become a nurse. Pray! You can’t do it alone. God will strengthen you and instill a positive fire inside you. Stir the passion in your heart.. Study hard. You can do it!

Today you may possibly be tempted to sin. No matter what it is, or how severe the sin may be.. don’t forget that it all looks the same to God. Whether it be a thought, action, or word—cast it away the moment you detect it. God hates sin. Love God more because of the sin that seems to be devouring your heart. Seek strength and refuge in Him. God will surely help you. Find strength in Him. Plead with Him. You cant be the light when your continuously painting yourself in black. You can do it, Sharon, be strong.

No matter what you do today—rejoice. Give thanks for all that you have, all that you have been given and all that you have yet to receive. Love all, for you have been loved first. Trust God with everything today. Spend time with him every chance you can. May every breath that you exert not leave your body without a prayer tied to it. Thank God for everything.. good, bad, easy, or hard. Seek for God’s heart. Do everything for the sake of multiplying his glory. Be honest. Be real. Be genuine. Work hard in everything you do today. Smile. Make people smile. This life is not yours. You are not yours.

Let’s give God what He deserves today.



I wrote this letter to myself about a year ago and tried to read it every day right after I woke up. Although I was only consistent in this morning letter reading for a week or so, I can see God's work and faithfulness marked in how far He's brought me since then. Thinking about where I was exactly a year ago-- I cant help but be thankful and praise Him for the grace He's shown thus far. Thank God I'm not the person that I was even an year ago. I was struggling so much then, and dont get me wrong-- I continue to struggle now-- but I thank God for the genuine and sustained joy that He's been teaching me to have as I labor.

I'd rather be struggling than swimming in complacency.
Let's keep struggling

Give thanks-- Jamie, the fact that saturdays are always nice, lunch with strangers however weird they may be, refreshing times with You, Your vast love and faithfulness testified in the one little year of my little life