To name a few things that happened this school year:
1) Becoming a Learning Coach at Starbucks
2) Getting a car
3) Planning Korean BBQ's and Senior banquet
4) Getting to know people better
5) learning to read on my own
6) learning and growing to defeat my fear of EV
7) Biochem, Molecular Bio and Microbio ('nuff said...seriously)
There's just too much. This year has definitely been full and wonderful-- but all in all, I'm glad its over. So I am officially done being a "regular" bio student at UCI and will now proceed to nursing classes :) In 2 weeks, I will take the first nursing class that is absolutely required for my program. Human Physiology? :) yayuhs
There's alot I want to do this summer. Study more. Work more. Read more. Pray more. Alot of things I want to mend and repair with myself. Patience, self control, diligence, discipline, taming my words, to name a few. A much more to look forward to: getting my scrubs, studying more, reading my long-awaited list of books, summer vacaaaaation :)
Thank goodness this year is over. I hope I passed all my classes, but it's in His hands now.
Time for chapter 3.
Resolved tomorrow. sleepy times.
Give thanks-- Your faithfulness, finals week finally ending, the end of 2nd year, the beginning of summer, the comforts of sitting, anticipation for sleep, resolved tomorrow, confidence in prayer, Your grace that covers all things.
p.s. North Korea threatens VOM, demanding them to stop sending them faxes about love, forgiveness and the gospel. As scary as it is-- thank God that Christ is being preached somehow. :) Let's not forget them
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