Jun 25, 2009

Sister love

This morning my sisters and I went over our first lesson in FOF together. I was very thankful for my sisters' teachableness as they were very open to hearing me share about how the Word has affected me in this past year-- although they grew up for the past 16+, 18+ years of their life with the bible next to their beds. I'm not gonna lie, I was super nervous. I had to pray about 10 silent prayers before we started this morning and although it was early and they weren't too happy about how early we were having it, God truly blessed us with a refreshing time of reminders and of new motivations :)

I'm at It's a grind now and I'm doing my extra credit assignment. I needed to print out a article from my website but I didn't want to have to go back and forth, so I asked my sister to print it for me after she showered. I was very thankful :) but I dont think she's too happy right now.. haha


My parents asked me to pray for them. My mom asked me to keep her accountable with her devotions. I'm so thankful for my family

Give thanks- My dad and his warm and welcoming hugs, My mom and her cute diligence and desire to dependent, Audrey and the laughter she brings me and her honesty that challenges me to have integrity, Katherine's beautiful and genuine desire to grow

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