Jan 31, 2009

wish I could

There are alot of things I wish I were better at, alot of things I wish I could fix. I wish I knew how to do everything the right way. 

Selfish desires... Keep trying, I guess :)

Talked to Geneson today.. 

He seems to be doing fine.... haha

Give thanks-- hugs, praying with jess quen, sweet time with You,  nap times, having a break, a weekend to myself

Jan 30, 2009

"... We all must run, whether old or young, whether sick or healthy. And this is possible for the sick and senile because the race is run with the heart, not the legs, and the fight is fought with the heart, not the fists. It is a race and a fight not against other athletes, but against unbelief...

It is not a fight to keep all the powers of youth, but to trust in the power of God. The race is run against temptations that would make us doubt God's goodness.

... The fight is a fight to keep hoping in God... It is a race against hopelessness, not flawlessness."

(John Piper, "Taste and See")

Jan 27, 2009


So I've been sick for about 2 weeks now, and although the really really bad symptoms have passed- i'm sorta stuck in an uncomfortable state where I constantly feel very nauseous, congested and exhausted (mind, body and soul) It's quite uncomfortable. School, studying, working, etc has all been a struggle because of my sickness and I'm about ready to be done being sick.

I have a Drugs & the Brain midterm tomorrow-- I should be studying for it but I have been just laying here in my sicky self for about 2 hours now...

I am not being super productive right now..

I really need to start studying for bio chem. I need tos top buying things now and start saving money for the summer. I need to talk to my parents about the car. I need to start studying more. I need to start reading more. I need to pray more. I need to start being better.....


My sister got a facebook today.

AHAHA my mom would.........

I am a waeksauce. I am won over so easily. I am so easily swayed. I am so stupid. I'm frustrating. I'm tired of being sick.................................

Sustain me.

Give Thanks-- Pastor Aaron, Skye getting hired at starbucks! Tenkos, My blanket

Jan 26, 2009

look at me

--look at me I am changing.
Today was our last small group meeting. We went to Cheesecake factory because it was Lynna's favorite and although we tried to be sneaky and pay for dinner-- she out-tricked us and payed for it before we even got the check. Sneaky girl.....I can't believe our small group is over and despite the short time we spent together, I really feel like I learned so much from them. Lynna's cute dorky personality tied tightly with her authoritative and respectable wisdom, Gloria in her ghetto-fabulous, hardcore, question-asking, power-house figure-- Laurel and her "realness" and honesty in all things, and quite possibly one of the most trustworthy people I know-- Evaline's admirable gentleness in service, love, humility and voice (kost 103.5~) and CJ and the brutally-honest, not-so-intimidating-anymore, pure and refreshing honesty kind-of friendship that we've created these past few months. It's been a ride but I am ever so thankful.

These past few days have been strange. There are alot of things I need to edit in and out of my life, myself and a few habits I need to discard. But this new week gives me another chance to start again..I dont know what to do about it anymore. It just seems so one-ended and my labor always feels wasted. Am I wasting my time....?

David Jeong is leaving tomorrow..
It's bitter sweet. Sweet because it's a good thing for him and bitter because I'm sad he's leaving. I'm gonna miss him.....

Yesterday Esther bought me a case of water because she says she always takes water from me. WHO DOES THAT? but regardless, I am always thankful for her.

Give thanks-- small group, mashed potatoes, my camera and the decent pictures it takes with flash, berean community church, memories

Jan 23, 2009

Simple things

So I am sitting at starbucks right now and I am burping out loud. but its okay to burp out loud when your sick. It's okay to blindly stare off into space when you are sick. It's okay to say stupid things when you are sick. It's been my excuse for everything, and so far its been doing good things for me.

I was supposed to go home this weekend but I found out about an hour ago that I have to stay. I'm getting trained tomorrow to be an actual Starbucks Learning Coach. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I hope I do okay.

This week has been better. I've been sick all week and exceptionally tired by each passing day, but I've had alot of good study hours this week, alot of nice conversations and about a dozen nice cups of tea.

To add to my joy, Starbucks got new registers and now our names are on the receipts.
I dont know about anyone else there, but it really makes me happy.. :o)


Looks like another long studying weekend ahead. But I love it. I love being caught up and understanding the things I study-- I'm actually starting to like biochem, did I tell you that yet?

Man, God is so good. As hard as it is for me to remember that on a daily basis, and to live out my life as I claim to embrace this truth-- God is always magnified with or without me, and to think that I am given the oppurtunity to be a part of that... what an honor, huh?

I miss my keyboard :) I miss hugs. I miss telephone calls.
It's raining right now and the smell of coffee in this crazy loud starbucks is always a nice breath of fresh air at the end of the week. Let's do it again

Give thanks-- conversations about You, conversations over meals, comfortable friends, tgif.

Jan 21, 2009


random blurts on a tired Wednesday.

This week is already half over, this day is already half gone, and yet my energy continues to flicker like a candlight. My nose is stuffy, my body is sore, but the green tea is doing wonderfs for my body. These past few days have been pretty hard. I've been more careless with the things that I say and I dont like it at all.

Anyways, random story:
Today at work, this man (I dont quite remember his name...I think it was John...) came to Starbucks and ordered a Large Hot Latte. After I finished taking his drink order, he outstretched his arm and handed me something that looked like a very small plastic bag and I thought he wanted me to throw it away for Him. He said "for you" and I looked at it and saw that it was a UCI pin.. I wasnt sure what to make of it so I tried to be as polite as I could and said "oh, It's okay! thank you but its okay!" and he was like "I insist" So I thanked him and put it in my pocket but for the next 10 minutes I thought about alot different "what if"s. (ex) what if this is a secret tracking device and he's going to come and find me somewhere?? what if there was some kind of chemical that would poison me if I kept it? What if there was some supernatural electromagnetic power inside of the needle of the pin and once it came into contact with me I would turn into some kind of superhero or something??????? Believe it or not, but these are all things that I really thought of as I continued to stand there in auto-pilot taking drink orders. I'm ridiculous I know, but regardless of why he gave it to me and whether or not its okay that I have it, I like it. and it made me happy.

that's the pin he gave me. I put it on my hat :)

One random fact about me is I dont like bread crust. I think there was this one time when I choked on a piece of crust I was trying to swallow too quickly without thoroughly chewing and I ended up having a really hard time eating crust after that. It's really such an unattractive, embarrassing habit I have but I can't help. I tried to fix it today and suck it up and eat it.. I think I made some progress...

Maybe not.............oh well, I tried.. haha

That's all. Dang I'm so tired.. I hate this sicky nasal feeling..yuck!

Give thanks-- for health even in sickiness, visitors at work, ben(ji/bae) surprise during break time, green tea, feeling comfortable.

"hello?...oh hi!"

Today we had a rice cook-off and we began to talk about how, in the past few years, telephone talking has gone down the drain. As we were talking about it, I couldnt help but get sad as I remembered all of those times I had to resort to talking on the phone because I didnt have a texting plan and internet use was always limited because my mom had to use the phone (which was connected to the same line.) I remember when I first got my phone, my parents gave me 400 minutes a month to share with my sister and I remember I used to always have to record how many minutes I spent with each conversation to make sure I didnt go over. I remember talking on the phone for long hours at a time and never running out of things to talk about..and even when we did run out of things to talk about, we'd sit back and just share a wonderful moment of mutual silence. We never had to be talking the entire time, it was just nice knowing there was someone to automatically jump back to if you thought of something to share. I remember talking on the phone in the dark late at night, whispering so that my parents couldn't hear. I remember how nervous I was, wondering if my parents would do the occassional walk-in and I'd turn the phone upside down under my pillow and just begin to pretend I'm sleeping. I remember talking on the phone in the bathroom, outside even if it was in the middle of the night, and lying down on the floor of my pitch dark room. I remember falling asleep on the phone. I remember having to mute my phone if my mom was yelling at me and I was getting in trouble for something embarrassing. I remember crying on the phone. I miss laughing so loud on the phone. Talking on the phone is something so nice and it's such a shame that I can't share it with friends now. Although many of us have turned from our ammatuer phone-talking life style and have upgraded to cafe's and long talks over meals, I know that many of us have resorted to the convinient-yet-not-as-intimate online talking or communicating via text messages. Where did the phone talking go? When did it cease to exist until it was no more and long forgotten as if it were some old elementary school friend we vaguely remember? I miss the warm feelings I'd get when I heard the other person voice on the phone. I miss getting important phone calls, I miss phone calls full of truth and confessions, I miss phone calls of "i miss you"s and "hope you're having a good day". I even miss the fights over the phone, regardless of how stupid they were. I miss talking things out over the phone. Despite how intimate and how much "better" talking in person is, there's just something about talking on the phone.. I guess just the feeling of being so far but feeling so close.. whether its between friends, or family, there's just some *zing to it.... Sigh I cant wait to have those back. Maybe I'll get rid of my texting plan........just kidding. But I really do miss it, as gay as it sounds, especially since its the 10th time I'm saying it. Sigh Texting and online talking feel so dry now.......my new goal is to cut down, and call more..I need to get rid of my minutes anyway..

I think I have like 10,000 roll-over minutes. Please call me and talk to me

Give thanks-- good memories, bad memories, memo esther tracy who really pulled through and cooked so much rice today, productivity, bringing me to my knees.

Jan 19, 2009

breathe in--

I was supposed to go snowboarding today. Last night I slept around 1am and kept waking up every 20 minutes until 4:30am. From then, I couldnt sleep one blink of an eye until 6 so I just got up and got ready to leave. I was miserably sick: stuffy nose, sore throat, body aches, headache, dizziness and most of all I was physically so exhausted from my lack of sleep. We drove to Jason and Minsu's house to meet them and I ended up just driving back and taking the best nap of my life. I got to catch up on alot today. Sleep, Room cleaning, head-straightening, vitamins-consuming, carefree-relaxing and I got to finish my reading for bio and reviewed my lecture notes :) I got to spend a little bit of time with the snowboarding people over dinner at a fancy Mexican restraunt called El Pollo Loco.

I feel relieved because I feel like I'm sane again. The stormy wind now feels like a breeze and the cluttered skies look blue again. It was nice to have a day to just take my time and to really clear the clutter away and just take a deep breath before the whole cycle starts again..

God is so sweet. and I hope that the busyness that comes and goes doesn't keep me from realizing it everyday..

--breathe out

Give thanks-- 4 hour naps in the morning, dayquill, airborne, cough drops, the way ice cream soothes throats even if its bad for you, the quiet and beautiful 4th floor of the science library, laughing with esther, laughing with eugene, text messages.

Jan 17, 2009

love-hate relationships

Biochemistry has not been good to me. Never in my life have I had such a hard time enjoying a class.. It's one thing to be extremely difficult and time-consuming, but its another thing when it's not interesting no matter how hard I try to make it out to be. I've had fun in Chemistry classes, all bio classes, math classes, english classes and practically everything else I've ever taken but this one has taken its toll on me. We're only 2 weeks into the class 6 lectures into the quarter and I stand here defeated and ever so discouraged to move on.
It's a true fact when people say that we tend to only enjoy doing things we are good at. This truth, in my case, is actually un-true. I lack skill and abilities in alot of things I like doing! examples: singing, hip-hop dancing, taking care of animals, studying (i actually have really bad study skills), basketball, football (i'm really really sad that I'm so bad at this because I really like it..), singing high notes, lyrical dancing, cooking gourmet meals, carrying insightful and deep conversations-- and yet these are all things that I often enjoy and secretly pursue in the dark corners of my private time. I think the key to enjoying things you are horrible at, is to just admit that you are and will possibly always be bad at it-- and just to suck it up and enjoy it for what it's worth.

These days, I've been finding more and more things that I am not good at. Here are a few things:
  1. Being careful with the things I say and the way I carry myself around others
  2. Being encouraging at all times, especially in my conversations with friends.
  3. Avoiding my fear of people
  4. Keeping personal things to myself (i.e. all the shameful things I have exposed, expose through this particular entry and will continue to expose in my future blog entries...)
To tie all four of those things together in a short, concise explaination slash justification of what exactly those shameful things are and an attempt to justify myself for the way that I am so that you guys wont hate me for it-- I find that the root of these things is that I'm so overly consumed in myself. The way I am portrayed, the way in which I am accepted, the way I wish myself to seem to others. It's a thing that alot of us struggle with probably. We care too much about what others think about us, what kind of things they would say about us to other people, trying to dodge possible judgements and critisms.. we cling to our dire need to be accepted, loved, favored, to be found acceptable in the eyes of our peers. Am I alone when I say that I care?

I mean I'm sure I'd look really cool and awesome if I could say "uh well, I dont care what anyone thinks about me.." and find that everyone happens to like me! but in my case at least, it's not that way. I do care, I do worry, and I do find myself (sometimes) being so consumed by my fear and I guess this fear is what often motivates the things I do and say, and the very person that I may appear to you. This is something I had a really hard time with this week..

I feel overwhelmed when I think about all the things I need to fix, All the things about me I wish I could erase, change and improve on.. I've failed to be the person that I wanted to be. But that's when I realize how foolish I am to even have such expectations of myself. It's ridiculous in itself to even try to be found accepted by a crowd (a rather large crowd) of people who demand you to emulate different arrays of imperfections while spitting large gunks of disapproval without much thought or discretion anyway. I want to be found faithful in His eyes, blameless in His sight, and pleasing to Him.

I'm so far and it really feels so impossible
but I guess that's why it's nice that I'm not the one doing the heavy lifting :)

Give Thanks-- Sleepovers with laughs and surprises, Tracy's motherly ness, Esther's laughter, Getting through at least some lectures, Watermelon Juice, Kevin, His sovereignty over my life and who I am, fear factoring this fear, and trying again.

Catch me before I let myself fall

Don't let me hit the ground

Jan 16, 2009


My name is Sharon
and I am still behind on life.

This week is finally over and it
1) wasnt productive in terms of studying
2) was full of aloooot of working
3) brought much shame to myself
4) did not allow me to sleep too much

Next week I must
1) become a hermit and not allow myself to make plans with others
2) put alot more effort to be careful with my thoughts and words
3) sleep more. and earlier.

I am so exhausted. This week I failed in prioritizing. The consequence of that was I didnt get to sleep enough, study as much as I wanted to and I was often disappointed in myself in the way I interacted with other people -- whether it was via my thoughts or conversations..Despite all the things that didnt go right this week, there were many joyful accounts as well. If I were to share one-- Yesterday at Starbucks as I was leaving to change out of my uniform, a small chinese "fob" girl came and asked me, in her soft voice and broken english, whether anyone had turned in her binder. For a good 5 minutes I had to ask her step by step what exactly she was looking for. Her voice was shaky, and I knew she was scared. I remembered the way I felt when I lost something super important and the person I was seeking help from seemed disinterested. After 5 long hours of standing, I have to admit I was pretty exhausted and I wanted to go home very badly. But as she was frantically struggling to explain to me the color, size and shape of the folder she was looking for, my heart really pained for her. I searched everywhere, asked everyone. and the Lost and Found that we keep in front of the Registered only had a few sweaters and old coursebooks. I finally went to the back and asked my boss whether anyone had turned in a yellow UCI binder that day. She didnt even turn to look at me and responded with a "no" and just as all my hope for my new chinese "fob" stranger customer friend had dimmed away-- one random coworker mentioned that she did find one, she just 'forgot to tell anyone--maybe I shoulda'.. I ran out and as I was looking around holding the binder in my hand, I heard her gasp from a few feet away from me and she ran to me. She embraced it and grabbed my arm, explaining how she was scared and so worried because she wasnt a student here and misplacing the binder would have created so many problems. (or this is what I think she said, I really couldnt understand her that well) As we were holding hands, she continued to thank me for the little work I'd done and I (in my horrible speech and fobby accented English) continued to tell her how happy I was that I could help. Both of us spoke in stutters but we understood each other :) We hugged about 3 times and we parted ways. I dont even know her name but that one moment brought so much warmth to my entire week.

Random story, I know. But I needed to remember that before I started studying again... sigh I really hope that I can stop moping and dragging my feet around and I'll be able to start running again. Ackkkk I'm so tired... save me.......

Give Thanks--- the idea of sleep, excitement for bible study today, the hope of prayer, text messages.

Jan 12, 2009

It's a hard knock life for us

I wonder if we were biologically and psychologically built to handle the kind of things we feel inclined to handle on a daily basis. Why couldnt there be copies of us? Why couldnt I have at least one more brain, one more heart, 4 more arms, another pair of eyes, or at least a mirror so I can see myself from another's view.

I hate being a people pleaser. I hate insecurities. I hate instability. I hate seeing friends deal with close family illnesses. I hate money. I hate it when my dad's voice is strength less because of money. I hate dealing with overly dramatic people. I hate being around people who slander others as often as they breathe out of their nostrils. I hate studying and not understanding anything after 4 hours. I hate not being able to get to know everyone. I hate all the times that I might have offended someone because my mind drifted for a second and I didnt listen to what they were saying. I hate saying the wrong things. I hate not being able to play piano. I hate lack of sleep. I hate wasting time. I hate unproductivity. I hate misunderstandings. I hate insensitivity. I hate indifference. I hate my fear of people. I hate how much I care. I hate my hardenness. I hate the way I carry my pride like a disease. I hate the selfishness I hide so well. I hate it when I act outrageous and I hate that I regret it so much after. I hate it that I'm so weak. I hate it that I cause other people to sin. I hate sin. I hate being sinful. I hate hate. I hate this paragraph about hate.. why did I do it UGH haha

Life is so hard. Esther is currently going through a dilemma and because I am a good friend, I'm helping her through it. I think she is a fine example of someone who is really seeking to endure with all her might and I really am so encouraged by her..

Sometimes, Life is so unfair and it forces us to make new decisions for ourselves in order to cope with our current trial..

And even when we pull ourselves together and make a different decision, it can often be disappointing.. ("these" meaning the episodes she found online I am guessing..)

and of course being the good friend I am, I just really tried to encourage her. We are so mutually encouraging to each other...spurring each other on hahahah

I find that there are so many things in this life and in this world that we are forced to deal with, so many people to please, decisions to make, bills to pay, grades to earn, relationships to tend to, pictures to develop, rooms to clean, laundry to wash..... the list goes on. I feel so overwhelmed when I just sit back and think of all the things I have to think about, all the concerns I should be worrying about and all of the improvements I should be making. Sigh what an overload. I know these things are so trivial and I shouldnt even be complaining about it. It's honestly not even a big deal I'm just being a baby....... I aplogize for the word vomit, I'm just tired.

I feel behind on life. I just need a day or two to catch up

until then let's all just wake up

Oh my gosh this made my day so I thought I'd share.

So you know those people that you just profit so much from just being around them? well, This is my friend Minsu. (I'm putting his picture up so you know what he looks like.) and he's really smart and studious and diligent in his studies. I find him to be quite modest when it comes to his intelligence

(I felt it was appropriate to add background butler man in too .. )

and this is why I benefit from our time together..

Give thanks--
for being capable when I am incapable, the strength to work, sleeping early, delicious stir fry dinners, yotb2009, green tea, laughing

Jan 9, 2009

week one, done!

So it's officially the end of the 1st week of the 2nd quarter of my 2nd year. Despite the late night frenzies, oversleeping-panic attacks, jetlag suffering, long hours at work and the momentary trauma that took place this week-- It's been a good one and I can proudly say that I was productive, efficient and I had fun. It's really nice seeing familiar faces often again, and being around people who make me smile and laugh constantly. When I think about it, I'm so lucky with the life that I have right now.. I live in a dream. I laugh and mutually brighten days with customers over cups and cups of coffee, I am taught the basics of subjects that will (somewhat) help me to succeed in my job in the future, and I'm constantly surrounded by people who pour joy into my life .

This quarter is pretty easy for me. I'm done with my GE's so I'm just taking one major bio class and two random classes. My friend Bryan did this summary of what he thought about his classes so I think I'm gonna do it too! haha

Biochemistry: by reputation this is the absolute hardest class I will have to take in my first 2 years as a bio major and so far its been slightly that way. I've studied a total of 9 hours so far for this class and It's only been two lectures. I'm really scared but I know I'll be okay . My teacher is Dr. Aswad and I hear that his name is befitting when it comes to tests. "ASwad....." i duno if you get it haha but thats what everyones been telling me. He has white hair and I think he thinks he's funny and I find it cute.

Drugs and The Brain: This is actually a random class I'm taking because I'm getting paid to take notes haha. Isnt that cool? I'm taking it pass no pass but its been interesting thus far. A bunch of white girls ask questions in class (like today, hm let me think..yeah like I thnk like 8 white girls..and 2 white guys and 1 asian guy.) So in the 3 days we've had class we've only done 1 class' worth but it helps that I learned all this stuff last year so i just look at the pictures and format my notes around so that whoever gets it has fun studying for it.. haha

Prison Gangs By far, my favorite class this quarter haha. I added it last minute but we just watch videos in class and the teacher cusses all the time but the class goes by really fast.

Well I'm at work right now and I was on my lunch break but Its over so I have to go back now. I made a turkey avocado sauteed onion sandwich today and it was so good. That's all goodbye

Jan 7, 2009

This is it

I have a good feeling about this year
It's gonna be good
I can feel it in my bones

Jan 4, 2009

Back to winter time

I love the cold weather of California right now.
It's such a drastic difference from the hot, sunny weather we were exposed to for the two weeks we were gone in Australia. It's so nice to be back home. Printed worksheets, saved syllabuses, going back to berean, familiar faces- It's all been so nice.

I started playing piano again. I've been playing the intro snippets to various songs I've listened to on my ipod for the past two weeks. It's been fun. Ive only been able to play the intro snippets because these websites only give the first page for free. haha but I'm planning on buying a Norah Jones piano book soon..just for fun.

I dont think I've appreciated cold weather and fast internet so much before. I'm excited for school. and work.. and guess what?
I got offered to be a Learning Coach at Starbucks...
I'm sooooooo excited :) this is something I really wished that they would ask me to do because I love helping the new workers there and help them get a jump start at working so that they can feel more comfortable and now I get to actually and officially "train" them!!! I'm so excited :) In times like these I have to really remind myself that it is soley by God's grace and His work through me-- and none of my own merit.. I'm so thankful. and excited. I start training for it this week and I start training people next week :) heufhaeiwuhfaeuhfaiuhewfaew

That is all. I feel like so much has happened since I came to Irvine..and its only been less than a day. I love it

>> reasons to rejoice >> today's message and being refreshed and motivated by the gospel, getting lost on the way to a church i've been going to for over a year, being able to learn how to play and practice piano, anticipation for school

Jan 3, 2009

sweet home

Alas, I am home.
I love smoggy LA atmosphere, the smell of a used-to-be-but-not-for-long empty home, my smelly unshowered-for-2-weeks dog, having reception on my phone, text messages, familiar streets, non-airplaned food (yuckyblehasd), anticipation for school!, real coffee (starbucks..sorta), dad's home cooked meals, hot showers in convinient bathrooms and fast internet (my goodness)

i'm going to staples, target and joannes today and i am excited!
school starts in 2 days and i am so excited!

thank you winter break, but you can go now :) thank you.

Jan 1, 2009


This is from last year...

I never really liked New Years resolutions.
but it's refreshing because it always feels like you're given another chance. It kinda gives you the slip to take a breath and start over.. wherever you may be. you can "try again", "start from scratch" and just leave whatever mistakes and regrets you have behind and look up and soak up a new ray of sunlight.

This was a really good year for me. Alot of good changes happened this year, and my life was lived in a light I've never known before. I could see evidences of God's grace market each corner of every shining moment-- and just the fact that I could recognize this-- is a miracle in itself. Thank God I'm not standing in the same exact place that I stood last year-- that would been tragic.

This year, I'm most thankful for Berean, because it helped me paint my grey world with so much color, my friends who i've been able to laugh with, cry with, grow with and learn so much through, Specific people who've contributed in breaking my pride, my selfishness and my insecurities (I know the remains still lie there, but I'm getting there..), people who've taught me patience, humility and genuine brokenness by their mere example, my family who I've grown to treasure so dearly, and the grace which helped me go through this year joyfully.

There's a personal tradition that I have. Every year, I promise myself that I will be bigger, better and stronger than the year before-- but this year I wanted to turn the tables and make a new resolution for myself. This year I want to be smaller, so that He may be fully blown-out and magnified in me. I want to try my best to be better if not the best in everything that I do-- whether that be in school, work, serving, being a good friend and daughter, being compassionate, etc...and all for the sake of being absolutely beautiful in His eyes. Lastly, I want to realize just how weak I am apart from the strength that I can only gain from completely depending on Him.

Help me cuz there's no way I'll do anything well this year without You...

Things to look forward to this year:
  • planning/raising money for spring banquet
  • ccm and all the lovely that comes with it. :)
  • reading the entire bible with Berean
  • serving in ops crew! (my favorite!) <3
  • 20/20
  • my last regular year of college
  • getting my scrubs!!!!
  • officially starting the nursing program
  • the beginning of my scrapbooking journey! (yes im gonna start when i get back home... hehehe I'm so excited...)
  • new dreams to strive for, new passions to kindle and new loves to form
Who knows where I'll be in a year???
Regardless, I want to be victorious.

Here's to another good year...cheers :)