Jan 4, 2009

Back to winter time

I love the cold weather of California right now.
It's such a drastic difference from the hot, sunny weather we were exposed to for the two weeks we were gone in Australia. It's so nice to be back home. Printed worksheets, saved syllabuses, going back to berean, familiar faces- It's all been so nice.

I started playing piano again. I've been playing the intro snippets to various songs I've listened to on my ipod for the past two weeks. It's been fun. Ive only been able to play the intro snippets because these websites only give the first page for free. haha but I'm planning on buying a Norah Jones piano book soon..just for fun.

I dont think I've appreciated cold weather and fast internet so much before. I'm excited for school. and work.. and guess what?
I got offered to be a Learning Coach at Starbucks...
I'm sooooooo excited :) this is something I really wished that they would ask me to do because I love helping the new workers there and help them get a jump start at working so that they can feel more comfortable and now I get to actually and officially "train" them!!! I'm so excited :) In times like these I have to really remind myself that it is soley by God's grace and His work through me-- and none of my own merit.. I'm so thankful. and excited. I start training for it this week and I start training people next week :) heufhaeiwuhfaeuhfaiuhewfaew

That is all. I feel like so much has happened since I came to Irvine..and its only been less than a day. I love it

>> reasons to rejoice >> today's message and being refreshed and motivated by the gospel, getting lost on the way to a church i've been going to for over a year, being able to learn how to play and practice piano, anticipation for school

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