The weekend/week-of Finals week.
There's just something about Not having class and having extended study time that excites me.
Just a couple things:
1) Today was the last day of class for this quarter :) How wonderful
I officially got certified today! Had to sit down and explain myself to my boss, was tested on a few things and tried to show her where my heart was. and then I talked to the district manager of Starbucks and he was really niceee :) so whew! so now I'm official. yay
In the midst of studying, God is gearing my heart and tuning it more and more to open my eyes to see the hope that I have in Christ. The hope of heaven, the hope of eternal unity with Him. I want to be like Apostle Paul and long to be with Christ and say confidently that it is better by far than living in this life. I can't say that I confidently feel this way yet.. but I can definitely see how God is giving me "new eyes" to see this world in sight of this hope that I have. Everything I have and everything I am belongs to him: Starting from small things like my apartment room, to biochemistry final, my GPA, my job, to my little-to-nothing skill in piano, my love for ice cream, my clothes--to bigger things like my time, my relationships with people i love, the financial stability of my family, my future, and so on. It's all rightfully His and because it is His, He controls it, gears it, drives, moves and steers it. I am but a participant of this "thing" of His.
Even this life that we live here in life is so short in sight of our hope in heaven. My life is but a breeze, this sophomore year of mine is but a minute and this winter quarter of crazy biochemistry studying, working,etc is just a half-second before the gates of eternity open up before me. So what more could I possibly do in this very short and brief time than to do all I can fervently, eagerly and urgently to glorify and magnify Christ in this dark world before I leave it?
Hopefully I will be able to continuously instill myself with this mindset, that my 'new eyes' will continuously be unblinded and that I would really testify the grace and love of God in all I do even if its via something foolish like making coffee at starbucks at strange hours in the night or sleeplessly studying for biochemistry :)
Give thanks-- no more classes for winter quarter, tenko's bento lunch #2, anticipating next week's sushi run celebration, the refreshing power of prayer, berean bible study, haggai, my journal, refresh tea at starbucks, trainees, getting certified, strength to persevere, strength to study, praying with skye, learning to be patient, learning to be unconditional, the cold sores on my tongue and its infection on my throat, that my God is a 'God of hosts'