Mar 10, 2009

sharon "weaksauce" lee

I think God uses my weakest times to show me just how strong He is. It's when I'm the most hopeless when He reveals to me how much hope I can have in clinging to Him. It's when I'm the most tired when He shows me how much strength and energy I can gain from asking Him to provide for me. When people are difficult and relationships are confusing, the sweet embrace of God's unconditional, unchanging love for me feels that much sweeter. When my lack of faith discourages me, His promises renew me. When I am most dry, He refreshes me. Praise God that I'm not always having a good time. Praise God that I'm not always doing well. Praise God that my callous heart frustrates me. Praise God even when I'm 10 biology lectures behind, because it teaches me to persevere and to not depend on my own ability. Praise God even when I lose my laptop charger 1 week before finals week.

It's at times when we am most tired, most weak, most discouraged, most alone, most broken--
when God brings us to our knees and He allows us to be most sensitive to Him.

How sweet would it be to be with Christ now? .
I wish I was as excited for it as Apostle Paul was..
Dang, that guy was craaaaaaazy
til then let's try to live victoriously!

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith... Phil 1:21-27

give thanks-- for the 16 hours of work I have this week because it'll teach me time management, for difficult trainees for it will teach me patience, 14 biology lectures to go over because it will teach me joy in diligence, my not-so-abundant-anymore credit for it will teach me to not be consumed with the things of this world, for friends who i have a hard time understanding for it will teach me to unconditonally love, my lost laptop charger for it will teach me to be thankful when i do get another, ice coffee with toffeenut because it makes my endorphins happy, strangers at gateway because it will teach me to show Christ's love, sleep deprivation because it will cause me to depend on God's grace even when I realllllllllly dont want to, and friends who will encourage me and remind me to always be thankful for these things.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You are definitely not that weaksauce Sharon! You are strong in a way that God uses to glorify Himself and it is an encouragement how He has been growing you. Indeed we fail all the time but God saves us from defeat and that is something that clearly reveals his awesomeness!

    Though it refers to evangelism, this verse reminds me how faithful God is and how He can strengthen someone as physically weak as paul
    2 Corinthians 4:7-12
