Love your friend, sharon
I am honestly joggum (little in korean) excited for finals! It's really an exciting time, I think. The late night studying, the sleeping in awkward hours, the relieved feeling of walking out!!! I'm excited :) Today was our CCM's Fall Banquet and it felt alot different from last year. But it was a nice kind of different. Missed alot of old faces, but embraced the new ones and I feel like I'm overflowing with love for them. I keep thinking about them and looking at the pictures (Do I sound creepy.. ahaha) but it amazes me the kind of love and joy comes from Christ alone :) I feel so honored and blessed to be able to experience it in my life and through these people.
Pictures for that will come later maybe.
but right now I'm studying at gateway, and I'm really excited to study.
Hopefully I'm productive today...... I realize that there is nothing that i can do in my own strength.. even studying for finals. As excited and anxious I feel at times-- that can only go so far. It's only by His boundless strength and diligence that I can go and be victorious even in my studies. So now I confess to myself, to God and to all of you who may be reading that I dont hold the capacity to be study hard for my finals. (simple, I know) so now I will leave, only by the work of His hands.......and I'm ready
Let's do this! whhhhhooooooooo
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