doesn't it look crazy?
It's really nice here. My skin sorta feels sticky and icky because all of this stuff is more classy than I'm used to . It's only 1am here but I'm super tired.. I have no idea what kind of things we're going to be doing here and what kind of things we're going to eat-- but I'm excited.
I miss my dad. He couldnt come with us cuz of work but it breaks my heart everytime I think about him staying at home alone, cleaning my dog's poo, feeding him, and eating alone :( Hopefully he's not too lonely.
Finding presents here in Australia is alot harder than I anticipated. I have bracelets and postcards and tshirts and kangaroos and boomerangs to buy and it's really really hard... sigh.
Here's my day in a nutshell:
1) Went to a Korean church-- sorta wierd..i missed home..
2) spent lunch time with my cousin JJ and his family :)
3) Found out that "Joey"s name is not Joey, it's "Jay"
..and He has a New Zealand Accent!!!!!!!!!!
4) Learned some Australian-accent terms haha
Thank You in Aussie language is "Ta"! haha
crazy hotel....dude u dont have to buy me the bracelet...sounds hard