Jul 14, 2009

Granny's goals

Bryan Chao just said that I am "grandma status" because I said I'm going to sleep right now.. but what can I say? I'm so tired...haha.

before i continue, i wanted to share with you what Bryan shared with me:

(he thought that meant Grandma in Korean. I had to bring his happy spirits down and break it to him that it meant old man/elderly man..)

I went tanning/studying today with tracy at her pool, and we dipped in the pool a few times because of how beautifully yet painfully hot it was.. Esther said that my grandma-status tired-ness is due to chlorine water, which supposedly makes you sleepy.. CRAZY. Tanning was really wonderful though. It made it feel like summer. The hot sun beaming a nice warm blanket over the trying-to-get-bronze skin. Passion tea with melted ice percipitating the cement on the floor. Ipod strumming music into my ears and the way the sun forces my eyes to squint as I try to read the notes I took during my lecture. It was beautiful. Tracy is beautiful. The day God made was beautiful.

but yes, so I am going to bed right now. 9:30pm on a Tuesday night. I have a midterm in 3 days and I dont feel ready for it yet, but I guess we'll have to see how that goes! I'm excited :)

Before I leave, I wanted to share 3 things that I really want to devote myself to learn in the remainder of this summer, this year, my college career and hopefully continue on to the end of my life.

The first two have to do with my job.
I want to learn how to
  1. speak Chinese and
  2. Spanish
(fluently--especially in medical terms)

I feel like communicaton is suuuuch a signficant and effective part of our lives and the ways we interact with the other people in our lives as well. Not only in a professional aspect- but personal too. As a nurse, I want to be sure to be personal with my patients; to truly demonstrate to them my genuine concern for their comfort and well-being, to ensure to them how much I am more than willing to serve them and do anything and everything in my power to be there for them, and to encourage them in the midst of their pains and discomforts. Smiles and kind gestures can only go so far..I mean, I dont doubt the effectiveness of actions or the accuracy of "actions speak louder than words", but if I could do the actions AND be able to say words that they actually understand--man, that would be siiiiick. (I heard someone say that today and I thought they sounded cool so I wanted to try it..

3. I want to learn more about church history

They always used to say that living the Christian life was like running a race. Some may also say that because we run alongside so many others-- its more like a marathon. (which I find to be a better analogy for various reasons). When one prepares for a marathon, there is much preperation, endurance, training, sacrifices, encouragement, motivation, determination, and drive that one needs in order to endure to the end to the finish line. All of those things seem to be things we need in order to well-equipped for such a run. This year I've heard many sermons and encouragements come from verses like Hebrews 12:1-2 that say that we must run with endurance, gaze at the saints, fix Your eyes on Christ. I never really considered the "gazing at the saints" of any importance until this year. There's so much encouragement that we can get from these guys-- to see the kinds of life they lived, the kind of faith they had, and the kind of sacrifices that they endured for the sake of the gospel. It makes me look at my life in the mirror and see how foolish all my complaining is, and how shameful and unworthy my pride is.

Trying to keep it short.
but I'm cutting it off cuz it's getting way too long
and I'm tired

Run hard everyone

Give thanks-- the amount of goods we have on the internet (sermons, testimonies, blogs, articles-- seriously theres so much we are so tremendously blessed), the warm sun, friends, seeing old faces, sleeping early, letting go


  1. i miss you too sharon lee!
    & once again, i am encouraged by your post
    :) btw, you could've also been tired, cuz you do so much and never rest?? haha.. and cuz it was really hot -.-

    anddddd i want to learn to SPEAK mandarin too! (not writing though haha)

    keeeeeppppp running the marathon

  2. you can teach me intro korean. i'll return the favor by teaching you pre-intro chinese.
