My 4th of July weekend started on Friday.
Our annual pass to Universal Studios expired on July 4th so we went on the 3rd.
I love spending time with them because
whenever we're together it feels like I'm hanging out with my best friends.
They're so cute, sometimes. :)
The next day we went to our 2 day, 1 night vacay to Las Vegas.
As bad and crude as Las Vegas can be, we just like going cuz its away from home.
It's kind of like our get-a-way. We listen to songs, and talk in the car.
But most of the time we just do our own thing.
I studied. Audrey and Katherine listened to their Ipod.
My dad...I'm not sure what he did. And my mom just kept saying how happy she was.
Our vacations are always nice, and family time is my favorite.
I'm so thankful for my family :o)
So this year my dad did something special..and funny. Haha
He wanted us to draw a picture that portrayed what we thought of when we thought of our family. We all took turns sharing what we was cute, and interesting. What followed was a very intimate session of personal introductions, sharing our deepest hurts, greatest joys and our visions. It was enlightening, and very heart-breaking slash heart-warming. I feel like through this time our family really grew closer in a beautiful way. (as lame as that sounds). I'm so thankful for them. and for us.
Well, here's the drawings
This was my dad's. He said we are like a star, and all of us individually are the end of a star.
We're a star because every line in the star is connected, and there's no break.
The symbol in the middle is supposed to represent God, who is the center of us.
Like stars, we shine no matter where we are, even in darkness.
One little star in a vast sea of darkness will still shine, and in the same way we shine
as the "light of Children in God" :)
This was mine.
I said that when I think of our family, I think of us all in one car.
No matter how we may be seperated (college, or what not- note the flags), I always feel like we're if we were just riding in one car together. Each person has a symbolic characteristic portrayed in them: my dad's muscles for the strength he brings in our family. My mom's folded hands with a spatula and phone, always prepared to help and support us; Me in my nursing outfit..haha; Audrey with a paintbrush and laughing face, for the color and laughter that she brings to our family; and Katherine and her crazy mooneyes for the warm joy that she brings our family. The cross in the front of our car leads the way because it really is the love of Christ that drives us, and wherever we go we leave trails of love and positivity (notice the hearts and postives coming out of the car HAHA) i know lame, but if u knew my family-- you'd know :o)
She drew our house--and this actually REALLY looks like our house..haha. It's symbolic in its simple way if you really look at it. The clear skies, bright sun and seclusion is supposed to signify the comfort and stability of our home and family. This past year had brought about alot of hard times and circumstances, but I agree with audrey when she demonstrates how stable and how secure we feel together.
Katherine's. Cute huh? haha
I think it speaks for itself. Look how big that cross is. Look how big that heart is. Around the light our family shines there are the 4 things that she thinks of when she thinks of our family. Smiling and laughing face, The bible, Good food and hugging. Lots of love. Lots of joy. with Christ in the center. How beautiful is that huh? :)

This was my mom's. I love this one.
This drawing shows a picture of our family walking on a straight path. (even my dog haha)
Along the path there are alot of things along the way.
On the left you see big waterfalls, that make lots of noise and can be scary and dangerous and bring many loud distractions into our life slash walk.. then comes thunderstorms and earthquakes. On the right is the end of a cliff. One wrong step and we would fall off and be gone forever. But as we are walking the straight path we trod forward towards the path toward heaven, with Christ on our path (note the cross). Despite the scary things along the way we walk confidently together toward our end goal. This is an anticipation for heaven..and look, my dad doesnt even need his crutch anymore :O) that'll be the day..
I love my family.
Quick update on my day and midterm

-Ate Brazillian BBQ and it was so good. Service was awesome. I miss it already!
-studied with Annie today :O)
-Busy day, tired, long blog post, my bad
Give thanks-- God's faithfulness in my family, summer school, lunches, productive study times, laughing with friends
your familia is coolioso