Ever since I was in high school, Wikipedia was the forbidden red button that I was never allowed to touch. My teachers always used to warn us that if they caught any of our work containing information or quotes from this forbidden website-- we would be severely punished. It wasn't even a plagerism issue-- it was more of an accuracy issue. Wikipedia is trash, they would say. Which is true, sometimes I guess. Giving anybody in the world the option of changing any page is a stretch and would not be considered a safe haven for information. I can go in and change anything I want on that page right now-- to test out how easy it was, I tried it! I searched for my name and I was going to write a biography about myself (HAHA), but I got scared cuz it records ur IP address, so this was all I could do:
What can I say..I got nervous!
So, my Physio teacher for summer school told me that we could use any source we wanted, including Wikipedia. Say whaaaaaat? ...and so I've been using it like madstylez and I have grown to appreciate the abundant and clear explainations that website provides. It makes me want to go back to my middle and high school and ask them why in the world they were cruel enough to forbid us from such treasure...now I can join in with the rest of the world and wear this shirt after I graduate,

So I started reading this other book yesterday, and I just wanted to share a part that I really liked. This is a really good book by the way, I wish I could have a book club and read it with a few people cuz there's so much stuff I want to talk about and questions I want to ask. Shucks. It's pretty cool; It gives "biblical responses to today's hot issues" including environmentalism, online dating services, immigration, homosexual marriage, entertainment, abortion, God and the problem of evil. Interesting huh?
This is from the first chapter; It was about The Bible and Real Life.
I'm only gonna be posting tidbits, because if I wrote everything I wanted to share, this next paragraph will be left unread by every single person who reads this blog (all two of you) haha
"The fact is that far too many professing Christians live their lives, day in and day out, on the basis of something other than the Bible. As a result, their priorrities reflect the world's priorities, not God's. Their patterns of behavior and their plans for the future differ only slightly from those of their unsaved friends and neighbors... Biblical Christianity is not primarily concerned with external behavior modification, but with a change of heart that subsequently manifests itself in a changed life... Our response to moral questions is not determined by politics, economics, personal preference, popular opinoon or human reasoning. It is, instead, grounded in what God has told us is true about ourselves and our world... The Scriptures are our authority because God is our authority, and His Word stands forever." (p. 8-14)
Give thanks-- Studying times, DWYS, K's I, The gift of Scripture and the extended amount of time in the summer to grow in love with it.
aw boo the "hi" isn't there anymore
ReplyDeleteAm I one of the two?
Haha. Oh, DBHS.