Jul 24, 2009

Big world

It's so easy for me to get caught up in my own little world that I often forget the big world out there. I hope it's not bad for me to assume that I'm not the only one with this tendency and that everyone often forgets of anything past their 10 mile range. I guess we can always try to be a little more aware of history that's happened before us, the future that is unfolding before us, and the blessed presence we're privileged enough to live in now. Hope this helps

Here's a few pictures that have recently been shared (click for larger viewing)

It was the 40th anniversary of the first landing on the moon this week.
Here's history in bundles of a 1000 words each

Training for war- these are women in the Phillipines

Mud around the world

The longest Eclipse ever also appeared this week



and although its so easy for us to forget,
we're still in Afghanistan

It's not as easy for some to forget..

I hope this served as a reminder to you guys as it did for me. More at Big Picture

give thanks-- Fridays, naps, letting go, Your faithfulness in eG's life, reminding me how big our world is and how little I know of it, reminding me that You are the God of this big world


  1. thank you for that

    It reminds me to pray...

    I have a food friend heading out to Afghanistan in November--he's already been to iraq. Pray for him too please...=]

  2. btw that was supposed to be good friend, not food friend...

    ...darn ipod.
