From the hefty list of my summer resolutions, these were 2 of my goals:
1) read more
2) become more familiar with church history.
To my convenience, DesiringGod (John Piper's ministry) made available a really really great list of books online to be downloaded for free. I've been really taking advantage of this resource and I decided to read one of John Piper's wife's books.
This particular book was about 5 different women who lived, endured, suffered, sacrificed, and wholeheartedly served for the God they knew was worthy to be proclaimed and exalted, in life or in death.Their lives and their stories have rebuked, encouraged, melted and challenged me. Reading about these women put me and my life to shame.
Although I don't remember every single detail that Noel provides about these women, I close this book taking one main thing away: The God that they served through their sufferings, and the gospel that they earnestly fought to proclaim is the same God and is the same gospel that I embrace today. It was that worth it. and it should be that worth it to me too. We have the same God, we've been saved by the same gospel-- and yet I look at my life and look at theirs and see the million degree difference that is so acutely present.
No one says it better than Noel Piper herself, so I'll leave you with this:
Give thanks-- Starbucks in the morning, Extended reading time because of no classes this week (yayuh), Noel Piper for writing this book, Sarah Edwards, Lilias Trotter, Gladys Aylward, Esther Ahn Kim and Helen Roseveare who are worthy saints to run behindI had in mind something like what Jim Elliot said: “Missionaries are
very human folks just doing what they’re asked.
Simply a bunch of nobodies trying to exalt Somebody.”1
Not all the women in this book are missionaries, but I think each
would have been the first to tell you she was just an ordinary person.
These ordinary women had an extraordinary God who enabled them to do extraordinary things.
And he’s the same today for us.
Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God.
Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
H E B R E W S 1 3 : 7 - 8
That’s why I read biography. To remember people who’ve led the
way on the path with God, to consider their lives, and to imitate their
faith. Because we have the same God, and he is the same yesterday,
today, and forever.
-Noel Piper
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