I really hope that in these next 7 hours, Christ will be seen in me.
It's hard sometimes you know, scrubbing toilets and moss from the corners, getting bleach dropped on your back while your leaning on all fours, and mopping pee from the floor (honestly, boys need to learn how to aim there is always pee on the floor..haha) It's not the most glamorous life. But I'm thankful, because I know that in these baby steps God is teaching me to have a heart that is willing to joyfully serve others and to really grow to see them as people that I can serve.
What an honor it is to serve God's people in this way.
Speaking of honor, I had the chance to eat lunch with CJ today. She took me to a really cute sandwich place in Tustin and she bought me a really delicious sandwich. Spending time with her reminded me of how faithful of a God our God is. As iron sharpens iron, CJ's heart and ever-growing desire to improve and recognize herself more and more sharpens me.

These pics were for our twitters. Hahah :)
I'll be back on my lunch yay
---- I have an hour lunch today! I'm going to read some :) yays
give thanks--- CJ, sandwiches, mornings, friends
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