2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is breathed by God.............
I'm at the Science Library right now but I just thought about this. This is the most random thought ever..but..I was thinking, when I defend my faith and when I defend the various things I believe-- I turn to the source which I believe to be of highest authority. I turn to the source which I believe to be truth. I turn to Scripture.
Why is it truth? Because it's the Word of God
Why is it the truth which I could I place my entire trust in? If I really believe in God of the Universe, who would be a better source?
The analogy I thought about for this was manuals. Car manuals. Manuals of contraptions. Manuals of computer programs. Manuals are created for a very significant and valuable purpose. Manuals are a means for the creator to relay informations on the what, when, why, how's of what they've created and what they are so very familiar with-- to a person (or group of people) who will be making use of their creation. For the sake of clarity, I'll give a specific example: Car manuals.
Car manuals are usually (if not always) written by the handful of people who greatly contributed in the creation, construction, and manufacturing of the car. It was their initial idea, their vision. It was their design. It was their handiwork. It was their masterpiece. They contributed their individual ideas into this project and their used-to-be floating thoughts have materialized into what they now see before them: the final product of their automobile. In the manual, we find various introductions to the car, the many assets they accompany, the various things that differentiate this car from any other; they might even throw in some fun facts about how the car started and what the history of this grand and magnificent idea was. They include instructions on how to operate the car, what to do in case of emergencies or in case of any problems they may arise. The manual writers may also include some fun stories about people who had great experiences with the car, what kind of mileage it has, along with the many rewards that may come from using the car in the way that it was created. The buyers are permitted to run the car on their own basis, by the way they would like it run, but they are also encouraged to run it the way that they (the creators) have designed it to perform the best-- which would be , exactly how they had meant for it to be run. They continue in on more instructions on how to change this, and how to adjust that, and how to run this, and what to do when this or that happens. I can also guarantee that they also include some sort of contact information to show who and where to contact for any "Further Questions or comments".
This sounds alot like what the Bible does for us.
It lays out the history of the world, the history of salvation, and the life death and resurrection of the Savior that had come to pay ransom for our souls. It gives stories upon stories of those who were faithful, and those who were not, and the rewards and consequences that they received respectively. It gives us instructions, warnings, encouragements. It tells us why this world was created, why we were created-- and if we were smart, we would do our best to perform in the exact design in which we were created for.
God wrote this incredible manual for us. and I believe with my whole heart that the Bible is the Word of God and the authority of my life. I submit to what it says. I obey what it commands. I believe the truth that it proclaims. (or am trying to at least)
How can we believe that this is actually the word of God? How can we know?
The simple, cliche, yet obvious answer is: by faith.'
And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
Hebrews 11:6
True, it's not really a satisfying answer for the outside eye, but honestly-- what in this world do we run on without faith? There are so many things in this life that offers us no kind of assurance and no kind of faith-deserving evidence, and yet we bank our entire lives on it.

We ride our cars with faith that it wont shatter into its own metal pieces while we're zooming by on the freeway. We sit on chairs, with faith, believing that it will carry out 100+ lbs of weight. We talk to hundreds of people over the phone, in faith (even if we've never seen them before), believing that the person we intend to be talking to is the one we are engaged in conversation with. We have faith that when we go into a coffee shop and order a drink, that they didnt in any way poison it. When we go to costco to buy bread, we have faith that every slice that they promised to sell to us will be found in the bag- so we buy it without having to count each and every slice. We have faith that we will be here tomorrow when we say "see you tomorrow". We have faith that there will be a tomorrow everytime we think to ourselves "i'll just do it tomorrow". We even have faith when we read our manuals, that the information given is legitamate and that the writers of the manual are dependable sources.
Daily we place our faith on these things and people that offer no substantial promise or assurance to us, and yet we doubt and often question the authority of God's word because "faith" is not enough proof for us to believe it.
That is foolishness to me.
I want to live my life and be a person that stands with two feet firmly planted on the Word of God because it's my authority. The Bible is my authority because God is my authority. And although I fail to really live out this truth on a daily basis, I have faith that I'm slowly getting there-- (very very slowly)-- and that the great Author is the one who helps me the entire way through.
I love psalms 119
I know, such a random thing to think about before my midterm... haha
Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.
I have sworn an oath and confirmed it,
to keep your righteous rules.
I am severely afflicted;
give me life, O Lord, according to your word!
Accept my freewill offerings of praise, O Lord,
and teach me your rules.
I hold my life in my hand continually,
but I do not forget your law.
Psalms 119:105-109
Give thanks-- dwys in the mornings, the word of God, and faith that allows me to believe it
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