True, I dont know Ian, but his story has really melted my heart, and I wanted to share with everyone and anyone who reads this blog to join me in praying for Him.
About 3 years ago, Ian got into a head-on collision with an SUV-- Long story short, He was severely injured and everyone anticipated a goodbye. He was in a coma for a long time, but by God's gracious and sovereign hand, he woke from the coma but still struggles with brain injuries.
His girlfriend and "pre-fiance" (as he calls her), Larissa, writes about it to this day on his blog (click here) and I'm so thankful that I found it so that I could join in the hundreds of people who are praying for him. Larissa's faith in the Lord and devotion to Ian through all of these years really served to encourage and challenge me in so many ways. To say that I am completely stricken and I admire her faith with my whole heart would be an understatement. I really wish there was something that I could do to help in any way shape or form, but I the most I could do (and the best thing I could do) is pray for them.
Here is an excerpt of her testimony about her new life with Ian:
Even though I can’t see my future as clearly as I thought I could before, my affection for and devotion to Ian has not changed. Our relationship is now constrained to a hospital room, our dates are now him sleeping through the movie instead of me, and our conversations are more one-sided than ever! But I have never felt like I don’t have a boyfriend or struggled in my thoughts to stay faithful to this relationship. I still stand by the thought that anyone facing this situation would do the same thing. To me it’s easy--it’s just Ian. God has blessed me with a deep love for Ian and he continues to pour out strength so that I can continue through this affliction. And while my role as a girlfriend has changed, I’m still his girlfriend. If I were the one in a coma, Ian would never leave my side either.Let's pray for Ian and Larissa
More than my affection for him as a boyfriend, though, is my love for him as my best friend and brother in Christ. I have been called to serve Ian. And while I miss serving him in the ways I used to, like making him dinner or being his daily planner, I have been called to pray for him, talk to him, and just be near to him. There’s no place I’d rather be than sitting next to his bed.
P.S. It's my mom's birthday today. I'm so thankful for the ways God allowed our relationship to be a means of sharing and growing to love Christ more together. Definitely an evidence of grace in my life.
Give thanks-- Ian, Larissa's faith, God's grace, Church History, Adoniram Judson, Home, my beautiful mom, family time, The hope we can have in God's love and mercy for us in all our circumstances.
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