Being sick was not the best. Being sick when you're not at home doesnt make it any better. There's this strange sort of sensitivity slash loneliness slash depressing vulnerability that comes with being sick-- and for an already sensitive person like me, that kinda added-on flavor doesnt really do me any good. By Wednseday I was completely better (thanks to alot of medicine, alot of sleep, alot of sweating and alot of people) and I was able to live like a regular human being again.
I texted my parents later that day to tell them how I was feeling. My dad was really glad to hear the good news:
So yesterday (Wedns) I spent trying to catch up on the two days that I didnt study. I have a final coming up and I'll soon be done with my Human Physio class. Bittersweet. Bitter because I absolutely loved this class: everything about it actually, studying for it, reading it, lectures, looking stuff online about it, watching videos on various topics and even just trying to think out the concepts in my head. I absolutely love it. I love studying things about the human body because it reminds me of Who created it-- and it causes me to be more in awe of how Awesome and how Detailed our Creator is : ) Sweet-- because I'll have alot more time to do other stuff without having to study for this class: the list entails of studying for other things, reading more, working more, and doing more things I wanted to do this summer. So it's a win-win situation really, but regardless, I'm thankful to have taken this class during the summer, and I'm excited to keep learning
We're learning about the Digestive system right now
and of course it ends appropriately with the end of the GI Tract via Defecation.
Defecation is basically pooing. (which is something that I appreicate personally. tmi, ma bad)
But this was a portion of my lecture slide that made me laugh yesterday as I was studying it
Translation: Basically shows why we hold our breath and constrain ourselves and our bodies when we go poo. hahahah The holding of the breath helps us to the contract the muscles that we need to contract in order to increase pressure, which would squeeze the rectum (butt h-le) and help push the feces (poo) out. Seems obvious, but who's ever seen this on paper? haha i love my class.
and to top it all off:
I'll end with this because I love Michael Buble and these things are always fun
Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions.
Pick your Artist:
Michael Buble, a beautifully talented man
Are you a male or female:
I'm Your man (Dang it, this is the only song that could answer this question..dang it)
Describe yourself:
Call my Irresponsible
How do you feel:
Feeling Good
Describe where you currently live:
If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
A Foggy Day, In London Town
Your favorite form of transportation:
Come Fly with me
Your best friend is:
It had to be You
You and your best friends are:
Always on My mind
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
You Dont know me (HAHA)
What is life to you:
The best is yet to come
Your current relationship:
Put Your head on my shoulder
Your fear:
That's all
What is the best advice you have to give:
Try a little Tenderness
Thought for the Day:
Quando Quando Quando
How I would like to die:
You and I
My soul's present condition:
How sweet it is
My motto:
Just in time
Give thanks-- a really fast recovery, productive study times, laughing with friends, side conversations, prayer
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