However, I found this random xanga entry I wrote in 2004 (I cant believe that was 5 years ago...) and I am utterly ashamed of myself. I hope that everyone can see how different I've become since then, because I can definitely definitely see it. There are a few things that still apply, I guess. The same insecurities, and hobbies of course. But I'm really sitting here so ashamed of who I was and hoping to death that I am nowhere near who this person was 5 years ago....
God is real. He has to be, there coulda been no other way...haha
This is embarrassing, but this was me 2004.
Evidence of God's grace in my life part 1
100 things about Sharon
1. I'm not pretty, nice, or skinny, but sometimes, i pretend i am.
2. I have an obsession with hats, but i dont have alot.
3. I love to go to shopping and not buy anything.
4. I like to sing in the shower and hear my echo, even though my sisters complain.
5. I eat more than my whole family put together.
6. I dont know how to dance, but sometimes when I'm alone, I dance by myself in the dark.
7. I sing alot, even though I know I cant.
8. Theres no one I really hate, but even if I did, I wouldnt mention it alot.
9. I cant do more than 10 pushups at a time.
10. I like to watch t.v. until I cant feel my legs.
11. I dont know how to burp, but I wish I did.
12. I like it when people compliment me, even though I dont believe em half the time.
13. I get easily irritated online if I'm busy and you I-M me continuously and say nothing important.
14. I like to be nice to people, even though I'm not alot of times.
15. I say "whatever" alot and I say "shuttup" and "loser" and "retard" alot. If I call you it, dont take it seriously.
16. I hate smokers and druggies
17. I'm a little gangster. JK. I hate wanksters.
18. I'm easily jealous.
19. The smallest thing can kill my mood, but at the same time, the smallest thing can make my day.
20. I dig guys who sing good.
21. Good looking guys make my heart melt.
22. I've been obsessed with Backstreet Boys, Nsync and 98degrees for some time now. Dont Hate
23. I'm unpredictable. Most times.
24. Pink, Yellow, Tan, Black, and Red are my favorite colors.
25. I love it when I feel loved.
26. I take things for granted.
27. My nickname is spongebob, even though he pisses me off sometimes.
28. I like holding mics in front of a large audience.
29. Even without trying, I do stupid things in public.
30. I laugh and smile alot.
31. I'm good at conceiling my feelings.
32. I gossip alot, but nothing really extremely bad.
33. I hate change.
34. I live, eat, sleep, breathe, LOVE music.
35. One phonecall can make someone my best friend.
36. Me and my sisters have a little group--P.I.S; PinkyItchyStinky..
37. When I like someone, I look at their profile about 50 times a day, even if its empty.
38. I dont like going to school, but I like working hard, sometimes.
39. I like writing poems.
40. I love long, deep conversations.
41. I love hugs more than candy.
42. I dont eat for the hunger, I eat cuz its fun.
43. I dont dress like those really hot sexy girls who try hard to impress, I wear whatevers comfortable, regardless of how it looks.
44. I'm not a tomboy
45. I like things being pretty and neat.
46. Everything I touch dies.
47. I have a heart of a little kid, which makes me stupid, sometimes.
48. I dont PMS when I'm on my rag, I think i do it all the time.
49. I hate it when people hate me or are mad at me.
50. I have been the man of every relationship, but no more.
51. I'm either always TOO STUPID or too nice. im think im just stupid.
52. I like eating my oreos soggy, after I dip em in milk.
53. I use money like its nothing.
54. I've never cut my hair without regretting it before.
55. I never really worry or bother to worry about anything.
56. It's hard for me to trust people.
57. My biggest struggle is loving myself.
58. I'm not good with birthday presents.
59. Watching the OC and One Tree Hill makes me wanna have a hott white boyfriend.
60. I am neighbors with Kenny Benson aka DEUCE and Steven Jew aka PLATINUM (former members of the SWC)
61. When I was little I used to grab a big spoon and sing into it, in front of my dolls.
62. I wanna be a pediatrican when I grow up. cuz I love kids.
63. I used to teach little 6year olds when i was 9.
64. I taught my sister how to read.
65. I'm not good at lying, but I do it all the time.
66. Jesus is my rock, and I would die a million deaths for him.
67. I lived my childhood with Lauren Kim.
68. I used to be in choir, and I loved it.
69. If you get to know me, I'm really loud.
70. I dont like those girls who think their all hot with no eyebrows and a gang load of make up who throw up all their food and flirt with hot ass guys that I would like to date
71. I would marry Kwon Sang Woo and Seung Sung Hun anyday.
72. I can get pretty emotional, but I dont cry too much.
73. I think I'm a big girl.
74. I dream of having the most perfect boyfriend.
75. No ones never really spoiled me before, but I wish I was.
76. I like to sleep in my underwear.
77. People say its easy to get to know me, once you catch my drift.
78. I'm crazy. People who know me, know that. The only person who can catch up with me is Hoolie.
79. Stepho Hwang is my number one lover.
80. I married a fairy and got Eunice Lee.
81. I ate 12 slices of pizza one time in my life. Rebecca is my witness.
82. I have over 100 disney videos.
83. When i was little, I wanted to be Sleeping Beauty, Jasmine and Baby Spice.
84. I wish I was cute and HOT
85. I wish I was easier to talk to.
86. I listen to my music full blast.
87. Just last year, I found out what wet dreams and 69 meant. I'm Innocent
89. I go to church alot, and I love it. My church people are A-W-Esome
90. I am Jessica Kim's mini Me.
91. One day, I want to meet Freddie Prince Jr and Kiss him (=
92. I hope people remember me after I die.
93. I hope I make an effect on someone's life.
94. I hope that at my funeral, alot of people would come.
95. I love watching movies with people.
96. I love boys.
97. I like learning new things.
98. I dont like to be judged, assumed by, stereotyped on, or taken advantage of.
99. I never mind anyone( even a stranger) coming up to me with a nice simple conversation.
100. I hope that people know that theres alot more to me than skin and fat. I respect who I am, even though I'm not perfect. I respect who you are, knowing your not perfect. I love people, so dont hesitate to talk to me, or come to me if you ever need someone. I wont push you away, or avoid you. I wont try to change you, or make you better or anything; Because your beautiful, just the way you are.
Dont judge.
and excuse my language.
Give thanks-- College Ministry Serve day car wash, smoothies, nice weather, saturday gateway sessions, anticipation? and the powerful and Almighty God, because only He could've changed me.
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