Apr 27, 2009


I love resolutions. I know people hate them because they always end up giving up on them after a couple of weeks or so, but it doesnt hurt to make them anyway!

I probably think of 20 resolutions a day. Whether it be things I want to change, behaviors I want to avoid, attitudes I want to develop, words I want to hold back and joys I want to bring. But today I thought of 4 repeatedly, so I thought I'd share..

1) Resolved.. to be more responsible especially with money.

I found that I spend money, alot. Even if its not always for useless things, I could always be more careful and discerning with it. So.. I've decided to save all my receipts in an envelope. Yes all of them. Every single one. Hopefully this will make me more aware of just how much I'm spending and i'll be able to be more cautious about where I spend it so I can invest it in the more important things!

2) Resolved..to drink alot more water.

I know this one is silly and seems like common sense-- but I really dont think i drink enough water. I think its humanly unhealthy how much I DONT drink water............... so I'm going to carry this water bottle around again. I bought it like a year ago and I think I put water in it like 3 times... I used to fill it with juice..and coffee..but no more. Only water I say!

3) Resolved......to eat healthier.

I think I eat healthy on a regular basis but I can definitely eat more healthy. I feel so grossy these days. So more healthy..(although, I dont know how healthy eggs are.. haha)

4) Resolved..to keep my apartment clean!

I think it takes alot of humilty and selflessness to live in an apartment. As selfless and caring you think you are,I think you're most tested when you live in an apartment that seems hopelessly dirty.. But I want to be better about keeping it not messy (as in, putting things away when they're out and rotting away) and clean (as in wiping down the sink and table on a regular basis...) I've been trying to clean it more these days and it feels really nice sitting on the kitchen table now :o)

Those are 4 of many more to come hopefully....
Have a good day!

P.S. I have a Bio Midterm tomorrow and I am seriously not ready.. hahahah oh well.
I'll review later.

Give thanks-- productive study times at Starbucks, good-tasting water, korean instant curry and rice, the surprise mango ice cream I found in the freezer, clean apartments, watching my sweat drip at the ARC (so exciting), tracy

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