No joke. I know you cant really see it but its because I'm sitting in a really wierd angle to lay my head on my shoulder... yes my OWN shoulder HAHA shameful.
Anyways- these days have been quite enlightening. I feel like I'm realizing and learning alot of things and it's rather exciting. I will share some other time though-- it is way too late and it is way passed my bedtime.
But before I sleep, let's play a game. I'm going to randomly choose 5 pictures from my facebook and talk about them. Why? I dont know. What for? No idea. just because I'm tired and I want to haha (Sharon tired equals no good because I become selfish...... )
These are really going to be chosen at random.
Page 49, Album 3, Photo 22
This is my sister's 8th grade graduation. I remember I looked so gross at her graduation....... I wore this nasty teal sweater and it was too short for me so I looked stunted. But this was the moment my sister saw my dad. I think she looked really pretty and I really like that dress-- but in this picture it looks like she has some eating disorder... we call her skinny bone jones. My cousin David calls her "Bones" for short. Audrey's nickname is "fro" and I'm "chubbs" :*o( He hates me
Page 43 Album 1 Picture 6
This was outside of the pool that I swam in all of summer 07, the summer before I went to college. We called ourselves KSB (I didnt make the name up THANK GOODNESS) and I dont know what it stood for but it was Korean...something... Brothers. shameful. We probably swam here 50+ times that summer. We spent the entire summer together-- we'd meet, eat, go and jam and someone's house and do nothing. I liked this picture because that red flower just randomly grew on the bed of white flowers. Something so interestingly, mysteriously beautiful about it no?
Page 4 Album 2 Picture 20
This is my uncle from Australia. He doesnt have an Australian accent because he only lived in Australia for about 2 years now I think. But when I went this past winter break, he made me give him a real photoshoot for his advertisements: like 300 frames, 3 outfit changes, 5 background changes, flower holding, book holding, wall touching, smiling, serious face and all of the above. it was legit. and he is a gangster. Now that I think about it, he said he'd give me 100 dollars if I did a good job..........I guess i didnt do a good job :o( haha
Page 7 Album 4 Picture 12
This is such a random picture... hahah. This was CCM fall banquet 2008. These boys (Mark and Travis) are both seniors, both dark, both semi-softspoken but very very very nice. I'd say they would fit in my top 20 for sure. Mark is good at Basketball, is from SD so knows how the real mexican food goes down, cooks and dances really well, and spent 12 hours in the car with me driving me to and from Norcal last summer. I saw a picture of Travis before I came to Irvine on Garnet's facebook while I was in high school and I really really really thought he looked like a monkey. I dont think that anymore, but I do think he is very nice. I hear he has to concentrate very hard when he drives, makes really funny jokes (when girls arent around), and plays drums really well. I remember last year he had some medical discomfort slash problem and Esther actually gave it a name "LARRY". how sad. haha He also likes short shorts (just kidding) but Travis is the nicest guy in the world for many reasons but mostly because He shows us grace even when we joke with him.
Page 10 Album 1 Picture 9
This was the Berean College Ministry at BBQ Kick off. It was in the beginning of the school year when we were kicking-off the new year of our ministry. I remember this day was really nice: beautiful weather, lake in the park, good food, lovely people and overall, just a really great time. This was probably the shot that I took when I was testing out my self-timer (hence, the reason why I'm not in it-- but regardless....) it's a nice picture of everyone. Especially Justin (bottom row middle) who looks like he's flaring his nostrils like mad... maybe cuz i'm not in the picture :o) He's my friend
Page 11 Album 3 Picture 23
This is Kevin. This was sometime during last summer when I drove to La Crescenta to see his home town. This picture is decieving because we actually went to The grove with Robin, Isabel and Connie who are not in the picture-- but this day was weird. While the girls were shopping, I remember me and Kevin had to sit at Borders and we had a conversation. That's as much detail as I can go into right now.. i'm too tired. I've known Kevin for almost 2 years now. He likes wearing his UCI sweats and basketball shorts. He always wears that brown collar shirt he's wearing now, and wears plaids shirts everywhere he goes (seriously everywhere). He loves sushi and eats really fast. Drinks about 3-4 large cups of water per meal. He loves wrestling, has a silent laughter for the most part and is very honest with me at all times. (sometimes it hurts my feelings but I dont think he cares) but I appreciate it. or I try to at least.
well there's my 5.
That was pretty fun. I hope you guys were entertained.
maybe I'll try it again next time
p.s. Today I accidently scratched the sidewindow of my car .. I hate parking. I am so sad my heart joggum hurted like forreals. I wonder if this is what it feels like when you see your baby scab it's knee for the first time?! cuz that's how it felt. my heart hurted.
Give thanks -- first midterm being done, feeling ready to study more for molecular, anticipation for sleep, the book of James, putting yesterday behind us over some fast fish, starbucks, things that make "cents", sweet fellowship with Him in the word, water bottles, the beautiful and perfect example You are for us, hope and strength that You provide to help me follow it
Haha. I like how Mark & Travis would fit in your "top 20"...and not like...10.
ReplyDeleteI like the name changeeee!