Apr 1, 2009

Microbiology, let me in

Reasons why I have to get into this class
  1. It's a prerequisites for Human Physiology which is a class I'm taking for the Summer Session 1
  2. E1o9 (Human Physiology) is why I cant go traveling with Esther during the summer
  3. E1o9 (Human Physiology) is why I cant go to China for Summer Missions this year
  4. If I dont take Microbiology, I will not be allowed to take Human Physiology
  5. I will have to take Microbiology during Summer Session 2 and will no longer be eligible for financial aid in the summer
  6. I will only be enrolled in 8 units because I am only taking 12 units (with Microbiology)
  7. Therefore, I will also be ineligible for my academic year financial aid
  8. I will be heavily in debt in trying to pay for the courses that I am enrolled in
  9. I will be behind in my major
  10. I will be screwed
Oh please let me in

I know it seems likely... but there is still a possibility that that person will not drop....and my professor said that the only way I can get in, is if everyone drops.. sigh

Give thanks-- new quarter sweetness, going to the Arc with Jenn, new things, times of refreshing, new beginnings, the sleep I will deeply be in in about 2 minutes, Korean groceries, prayer, College prayer list, Aloe drinks, the fact that I am 1 step away from being in this class (Please let me in....)

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