Apr 16, 2009

Let's love each other!

So one thing on the list that I wrote in my journal (private one) is that I would love others more.

I feel like recently due to complications in relationships, common misunderstandings and even just the stress from school and all other responsibilties, I've been able to see how much I lack love for others.

Don't take me wrong, I do love you all. But I feel as though alot of times, this love that I have is a love that is defined and refined by the standards of this world-- and in no way is this kind of love strong enough or great enough to surpass any bump that would come along the way. The towers of love that I've established for the people around me will easily shatter down into shambles and whatever strength I feel I have in my heart to overcome it, I will find that it is insufficient and I will fail..

But that's when I need to learn to love with a love that is not defined by the standards of this world, but the very love that is represented and demonstrated on the Cross of Christ. That was the perfect demonstration of the only kind of love that will ever prevail in this universe, let alone world and that is the love that I want!

In striving to establish this kind of love-- my friend tracy (a friend who I really do love without much trouble..ever haha) shared this and I thought it was more than perfect

Six Biblical Guidelines for Loving Each Other

  1. Let’s avoid gossiping.
  2. Let’s identify evidences of grace in each other and speak them to each other and about each other.
  3. Let’s speak criticism directly to each other if we feel the need to speak to others about it.
  4. Let’s look for, and assume, the best motive in the other’s viewpoint, especially when we disagree.
  5. Think often of the magnificent things we hold in common.
  6. Let’s be more amazed that we are forgiven than that we are right. And in that way, let’s shape our relationships by the gospel.

How perfect and applicable.
I'm at gateway right now but I'm gonna try to start it NOW.

Long night of studying ahead and its probably going to take me a total of 19 hours of studying just to catch up in Microbio (I actually calculated it..) but I love you anyway.


Give thanks-- costco, tracy, journaling, and anticipation for the long night ahead


  1. tracy WOULD steal that from john piper...

  2. Haha. I'm no thief! (except of boy's hearts. Ooo! I kidd.)

    It's always so crazy how God always places upon our hearts the same convictions at similar times!!! I love it! Growing in grace with you has been such a blessing and encouragement. Let's prove ourselves to be good neighbors like the good Samaritan, following Christ's example as He condescended Himself to be our neighbor. Loving others is proof we understand God's love and proof that we love God. (freeaaakkk....convicting muchhh??....freak.)

    keep me accountable!
    bye, neighbor
